The road (not) taken

While chatting with The Dude recently, he mentioned something to the effect of, ‘I do miss you, quite a bit, but right now I am missing the car more’. Yeah. Just like that. It totally broke my heart. Obviously. I mean come on, I spend all my time whining about how bored and lonely I am without him, and this is what he has to say? That he’s missing the car?
Then I cut him slack. Because, you see, of all the bad things I am, dishonest isn’t one. And yes, I do miss The Dude like crazy in general, but honestly, every evening, when I set foot into the God forsaken bus at 7:15 PM, knowing very well that I will not be setting foot into home anytime before 9, all I want him back is for driving me to work and back. And once I settle down on the bean bag in front of the TV with my dinner ,  tired out of my wits, I get back to missing him for the other stuff too. Yeah. So what he said wasn’t that bad.

Anyway. I knew what I signed up for when I moved to the office in this part of the city. Heck, I prayed for it. I used to hate the older office’s location because to reach there, you’d to pass through the most boring parts of the city and all I wanted was the flyovers, and the malls and the lights. What I didn’t want, or account for, was the traffic. And the traffic. And some more traffic. That, coupled with the fact that our transport guys have taken it upon themselves to make me suffer for I have no clue what, have selected a route, which, well, I don’t know how to explain. Or I do. Just a sec.

Ok. I am not sure if you got that. But let me just say that, if we took the O->F->H route and not the O->F->S->N->H route, I would not be doing this post. But the probability of taking O->F->H is very very low, as it depends entirely on the non-existence of the inhabitants of Point S. And though there are only 3 of the aforementioned species, they somehow have this telepathic connection with one another, which ensures that, never, ever, are they missing together. It is some kind of a mafia thing really. And yes, let me also mention that thanks to the existence of , not one, but two, TWO railway gates between F and N, the 30 minutes can increase exponentially. Obviously, this delay ensues after the S people have reached the comforts of their respective homes. (Edited to add : It might seem that getting off at F and taking an auto to H would be a simpler thing to do, but it’s my luck we’re dealing with currently, and that ensures that there is no scope of any public transport whatsoever at the point, this being bang in the middle of the army area).

Bottom line, I am pissed. I know that’s not a new thing for anyone, but I am like, really, really pissed. And it is bringing out this ‘not-too-pretty’ side of me way too often. Mine, and of course of the others who actually live beyond Point N. Yes yes, they exist too. It’s like we are these anti-social elements, who, just when we are about to reach F, do a quick survey of the bus to spot if by any chance the S people have chosen to bless us with their absence for the day. And if that happens, we actually let out war-cry like whoops of joy. And once, we did it when one S person we did not notice was sleeping in the back seat. Let’s just say it was not a pretty sight.

Anyway, I am just biding time. Another couple of days, and I get to savor the World’s best Public Transport system. Yes, London totally rules. Over Singapore and Tokyo too. And then, once I am back, it would just be a matter of 2 more weeks. Till The Dude gets his beloved car back. And I, my beloved designated chauffeur.

121 thoughts on “The road (not) taken

    1. Wohhh…Nice change in your first comment list 😀

      Btw come to Mumbai to see the horrible traffic and infrastructure condition, Its pathetic.

      And ye Happy journey 😀

      1. Heheh! Newbies are always welcome, as long as they don’t beat me! 😀
        Well, I have heard that, Mumbai and B’lore both, so I guess living close to work is the only way out! And yes, we’re working at fixing that 🙂
        And thanks!

      1. I am in a very similar situation, waiting for the rains to get over, after that no more begging auto-wallas to take us to and back from station, no more walking in potholes and no more pushing through local crowds 😀

        1. Oh God. I never thought I would wish for the rains to stop, but I so am! I cannot stand this slush, and water, and jams anymore. I think I prayed too hard for the rains this year!

          1. 😦
            No one wants to analyse my graph.
            Ok enough naatak. Actually, I used to read before, now I claim the position and then get to reading. See, extra comments are always welcome by the blogger. And the coveted first comment is also yours! I think that ‘you’ve to read the blog before claiming the position’ rule was not taken too seriously 😉

            1. You in first commenter as well as honest commenter award. Because usually the ones who claim that position, never read the post! So, well done! 😀 Hehe!w

  1. Di…phew and i thought commuting was a b**** only in mumbai and b’lore..

    but me/…i live 5 mins away from office…i CAN WALK To office and it will take me 15 mns…

    are u J? are u? Are u…if not …u shud b…

    the meaness is coz i am not first!

    1. 😦 No babe! Commute sucks everywhere now! Ugh!
      Yes I am J, Hmph. All this for not being first? 😦 mean you!
      Oh, but we have bought a house which is actually 5 mins from the place of work, so yay, pretty soon I will not spend half my life travelling! 😉

    2. You WALK to office in Mumbai!!!!

      I am J. is there a way to increase font size in comment, coz the size I want would fill the whole page, I am so J.

      1. I know man! Forget Mumbai, she I mean, seriously!:S
        And no, please, don’t increase the font size. I being technically challenged will never be able to fix it 😦

        1. Lol…most ppl in mumbai hate me for the fact that i can walk to work…i hear a couple of ppl are out to murder me…

          ok i dont walk i take an auto..coz there are no pavements in true mumbai style…and it takes me a full 5-10 mins by auto…feel better????

            1. Oh man! I forgot to add that I do not get any transport from F to home, that 5 minute distance! So I have no choice but to go to N and catch an auto, which is totally useless! Editing will be done.

            2. Ok…sometimes auto say no..mostly colleagues drop me home 😀 coz i am on 50% of the people’s route home!

              (next time dont do first before me) or i will talk about how autos are usual ok to drop me coz i live near a mall

              1. Show off! Let me shift to my new house, then we’ll talk!
                Oh 4 people have taken the comment count to close to 30! Wah wah! Look how busy we are!

                  1. And this response , though it could have been given with the last one, was a deliberate cheap shot to get the comment score to a 100! 😀
                    Lucky you work from home kinds 😦

                    1. No one is badnaaming you Nuttie. Accept it, you’re one helluva lucky person for the time you save commuting. Or not commuting. 😦

  2. I on the other hand, am such a saint. I read your whole post, analysed the graph, made a few notes, drew a few doodles and then commented. Which also explains why my comment is 33rd!! 😉
    Sigh. Traffic and rains. My favorite topics under the sun! I commented on Piyu’s blog too about this when you owed up for bringing the rains – You have gotta do something to stop it! Think about us, poor folks here, battling floods and dengue for the CWG Games! DI, we do not need any more rains. Come on. Now do the reverse of whatever you did to stop the rains!
    Best way out of this mess, however, would be to buy a helicopter. That would of course mean me marrying a Tata or an Ambani, I am working on that bit! 😀

    1. Wow! See, if not the fastest commenter, you definitely get the longest comment award! So yay for that? 😀
      I have to think of a plan to make the rains stop, now! 😦 😦
      Oh, and when you do marry a Tata/Ambani (Mallya?) don’t forget that I am your ollllld blog friend! And gimme a lift sometimes, yes? 😀

    2. Oh when u get there … to marry the Ambani/Tata son.. do send tips plz 😉 😉 .. n yes invite me to the wedding to oogle at the hot rich cousins and use your tips 😉 😉

  3. Yaaaay!! for the dude is coming back home soon and then you two can have a fantastic time together in London.
    Don’t forget to prepare your list of return gifts to ask him to give you on his birthday 😉 😉

    You folks are so good in putting up hand drawn figures and graphs in posts, now am joining Piyu’s team of being J


    1. Thanks CB!
      Oh, I have to acknowledge that the whole illustration idea is inspired by Preeti (TOSOL) and Smartass Bride! A picture is so worth a thousand words. Only I put a picture, and wrote a thousand words, so I am not sure how helpful that was! :O

  4. U drew that all by yourself??? no body helped u to draw??? 😉 … ok girl .. I’ll tell u the story of my Mu7mbai route shall I and u shall send the chuffuer over 😉 .. no wait that’s the Dude.. so better u send the car over and I’ll manage a chauffeur 😉

    1. Hehehe. I did that on Powerpoint, but of course, hate that I find ppt easier than basic MS Paint! 😛
      Er, yeah, you can send me the route, and then I will send you good wishes. No car (and definitely no chauffeur) for you! :O

            1. Hehehe! I don’t think anyone ‘needs’ to tag you anymore! 🙂 See, you’re a drama queen alright, but you’re the bestest one!

  5. What Route…. Now it’s Namaste London London and only London for someone for as long as how many days… 7 or 10.. and then a few days of itazaaaaaaaaar and there you are back in the car… 😛 😛

    1. Hehehe, that road map is a document of my daily torture! 😛
      Good for ya, I will join the elite gang of those who stay near work soon! 😀

  6. that’s the great thing abt. marriages DI. we go back to basics – right after the lovey-dovey period. food, transport, bills. what else are husbands for? 😀

    1. Hehe, I guess you’re right! How do you do without them once you’re used to them for such a long time! Very tough, it’s almost sadistic! 🙂
      Oh, I am not sure if you noted but you have been credited in the comments for being the inspiration behind an illustrated post! 😀

  7. Now that graph really helped understand better 😀

    And I can totally relate to the commute part! God – I used to travel 1.5hrs each way everyday and on days when it rained, it was WORST! I so wanted to move away from parents and rent a room close to work!

    1. 😦 After all my efforts to explain the situation with such awesome illustrations! Try again, and let me know if it looks different in the morning! 😐

  8. don even get me started on Bangalore’s traffic.. To say its bad would be an understatement!

    I get AC Volvo’s about 2 kms from home.. seems close na? It is; but I have to go through the worse area to reach my stop and even though walkin is possible, its disgusting to walk there..

    And autos!! Don even get me started on those assoles! They want us to pay 80 bucks for something that would normally cost about 20!!

    Probably the main reason why I learnt to drive – to not take autos..

    Sowie for the rant!

    1. Hehehe! Wow, I have so much company for commute ranting! 😉
      Auto guys are best avoided, they rip you off shamelessly 😦 And my bus stop is 2kms from home too, and I have no idea how to get there! That’s the pain!
      I want to live close to work and get my two wheeler , now!

  9. Been there done that girl. That is why I keep telling the world and their sister to move to Bombay. You just do a A-V-S-K-B- and so on, in one big train. So no matter how far you stay from work, you only go in one straight line. Hanging out of the train and fighting for dear life though. Who said it is an ideal world!? 😛 Move to London 😀

    1. Hehehe! And pay 5 GBP for pani puri! 😮 No way!
      I am always fascinated with the way Mumbai functions, only I am not sure I will survive it! I have been almost trampled the one time I did! 😮

  10. Hey DI,
    Liked your writing. Enjoyed the archives. I have linked you on my blog. Hope its fine let me know if otherwise 🙂

  11. Hey Di!

    My my if only it would be a perfect world. We I got married and shifted to my city and the house which is 30 minutes drive to the city, i always thought I’d enjoy the scenery but heck after so much of commute of going to work, then again getting back for an hour and leaving for Community center, i realize iv made my life so difficult and been naggin hubby dear to look for a house near the city.
    You are so patient with all the road trouble man! Wish i could be half as content with it as you are…

    1. Hey! 😀
      You’re right! Too much travel kills all the fun!
      And no no , I am horribly impatient, rude, and obnoxious when it comes to my commute! It’s just that it is easier to pen it down and make it sound , funny, if not happy! 😦 I am sad! Yesterday, I took 2 hours to reach home! Sheesh! It sucks! But like I mentioned, we already have full plans of moving near the work place! Which is also super happening now 🙂

  12. Sigh! Dnt even get me started on commuting. Am sooo happy to be a stone’s throw away from office nw 😉

    Woww! U gonna hv a nice break na – awesome DI 😀 Hv a gr8 gr8 time 😀

    Err y cnt u drop in home, when u r feeling so bored 😛

    1. Finally! Swaram, how busy are you these days? 😛
      Lucky you! 😀 I have said this before 😉
      Oh, and thanks, hope to have an awesome time!
      I should no ?;) Let me get back, I will have 2 weeks and no one to bug, I am surprised I did not consider you 😛 :P!

    1. ‘Bit’ late :o?! I wrote this day before yesterday, and you did not even read it 😦
      You should be informed though that the first 40 comments were contributed within a span on 20 mins by FOUR individuals alone! Yep, including me 😛 So it’s not really a fair count! Hehe! I like the number nonetheless! 😉

  13. Oh, the traffic woes continues….isnt it the top-most worry on everyone’s mind around ??? I thot it was only in India…but looks like the whole world is suffering with this unmanageable traffic syndrome….

    Tell u what…get the chauffeur back…thats the best… 😉 😉 bribe him…do something…u know… 😉 😉

  14. Hehe, he misses the car, you miss being chauffeured, I think you guys are pretty even there 🙂
    I can imagine your frustration about spending the better part of your day in a bus, especially when the distance does not justify the time. Maybe what you need to do is (very simply) a) get promoted at work or b) become so indispensible, that they’ll approve of a work-from-home-twice-a-week-or-so arrangement and then you won’t have to commute everyday? Enjoy your trip to London!

    1. Hehe! I love your advice, so practical and doable really! 😀
      Actually Work from home is an option, only, I know I will get bored at home 😦 😦
      Having a good time, yes, thanks! 🙂

        1. Heyy! I am there, today is more of a catch up on the blog reading and commenting bit. And very very coincidentally, you’re next!

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